Patent Rights and “Public Order”
In Harvard College v Canada (Commissioner of Patents), [2002] 4 SCR 45 [Harvard College], the Supreme Court of Canada (“SCC”), in a 5-4 decision, ruled that a genetically modified mouse was...
In Harvard College v Canada (Commissioner of Patents), [2002] 4 SCR 45 [Harvard College], the Supreme Court of Canada (“SCC”), in a 5-4 decision, ruled that a genetically modified mouse was...
The New York Times recently published an article on the waning international influence of the U.S. Supreme Court, especially with regard to constitutional law. As countries like New Zealand (whose...
An application has been filed for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada (“SCC”) in the matter of Grace Johnston v Director of Vital Statistics for the Province...
In addition to the safeguards available to adult detainees, section 146 of the Youth Criminal Justice Act, SC 2002, c 1 [YCJA] imposes certain requirements that must be met in...